Following the circular economy conference on textiles and durable apparel held in Iasi on April 12, 2019, we would like to bring your attention to the following items:
- There have been speakers from public institutions, the industry, private enterprises, NGOs, and academia. You can download all the presentations that we received here or you can choose to download each individual presentation below:
- AILIESEI Caterina – Tranziția către “0 deșeuri” în producția de îmbrăcăminte
- BRUSTUREANU Cornelia – Rolul designului în inovarea disruptivă
- BULACU Cezar – Exemplu reprezentativ de valorificare prin reciclare a deșeurilor textile
- CURTEZA Antonela – Abordări sustenabile în industria modei
- PETRUC Irina – Aspecte privind monitorizarea implementării legislaţiei de mediu în domeniul managementului deşeurilor
- TANASA Ramona
- The pictures taken at the event can be found here.
- The agenda [RO] can be consulted here.
- The activity report [RO] can be consulted here.
By means of this message, we would like to reiterate our appreciation for our sponsors, collaborators, partners, and for all the participants to our events. Romania’s Circular Strategy 2020-2030 would not be possible without your support and involvement.